Mojo’s survival guide
Wake me up before you go-go
What the heck does Mojo even mean? Mojo is an African word that describes inner power. Your swag, your shine, your sparkle, you know? What’s Mojo’s inner power, you ask? Mojo has turned air-purifying into an art. He sneaks up on bad substances like a ninja and renders them harmless! Benzenes better hide when Mojo’s around because he’ll attack them straight on. Mojo is lightly poisonous, so repeat after me: with pets a go-go, Mojo is a no-no from the get-go.
What makes Mojo so special
In Africa, this Dracaena has to survive in a pretty tough environment. Thus, it’s no surprise that Mojo can easily flourish with little light. He also likes to brag that he can reach heights of up to 15 feet where he comes from!
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