Oscar’s survival guide
Oscar’s a grouch. His hobbies are spreading misery, taking naps, and glaring at you through his fronds. Though he’d prefer living in a trash can or mounted to a board (its a thing), he’ll be dissatisfied no matter where you put him. And don’t try to build a relationship with him because he doesn’t want friends but don’t leave him alone because he needs someone to listen to him complain. And don’t bring your pets around him (because he hates your pets) but don’t refuse him a pet of his own. And don’t compliment him but don’t let him forget how much better he is than everyone else. And whatever you do, also consider not doing it.
What makes Oscar so special
Oscar is a unique plant, with branching leaves that spread out like antlers from their base. His fronds look stunning over the side of a hanging basket, and eclectic when mounted to a board with a piece of sphagnum moss. A lover of trash, Oscar still likes to be bathed for 10-20 minutes when his moss dries and to have his fronds misted while he gripes about all your friends.
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