Baby Conrad’s survival guide
His real name is Dracaena sanderiana but over here he’s just Conrad and he just got back from a spiritual trip to China to learn more about Feng Shui and the fine arts of Chinese metaphysics. He told us he learned that we all need to find peace and harmony between mankind and nature. Well, amen brother, we’re with you.
What makes Baby Conrad so special
The Dracaena Sanderiana belongs to the family of Asparagaceae and please don’t ask us to pronounce it. We tried using it in scrabble but we ran out of vowels. Anyhow, if you think she’s got a weird family name then hold on, because it gets even weirder. The Sanderiana was named after a German Scientist but is a famous plant in India, where it is mostly imported from China, where they grow them as ‘Lucky bamboo’, even though it isn’t bamboo at all. Gosh, plant life can be so confusing.
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