Indy’s survival guide
Favourite movie: Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom
Reading about Indy is like double-checking the passenger list for Noah’s Ark: his common nicknames are Rattlesnake Plant, Peacock Plant, and Zebra Plant. What they’re all taking about are Indy’s leaf markings, which, you guessed it, make him super distinctive. Cute and badass at the same time! An enviable combo.
What makes Indy so special
Chuck and Sophia’s older brother, Indy, left the house early to become an archaeologist. He scoured the riverbanks along the Amazon river in search for long lost settlements with hidden treasures. He’s told us many harrowing stories! Apparently, the patterns on his beautiful foliage can be read as scripture that holds the key to a sacred temple filled with gold and diamonds! We just can’t crack the code. Can you?
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