Bucky’s survival guide
Movie viper Gordon Gekko once said that greed is good. We, on the other hand, like to think that green is good. If you’re not one to frown on making a little dough, though, Bucky’s a keeper. For real! The Chinese say this fella (Pachira Aquatica) brings luck and guards treasures better than any safe. Bucky will also keep the air around you cleaner than a tax audit. So, consider Bucky an investment.
What makes Bucky so special
Although not swimming in money like Uncle Scrooge, Bucky is quite the bon vivant in the botanical jet set. In South America, where the Pachira Aquatica comes from, Bucky thrives in riverbanks (and judging by its popular name, Money Tree, maybe in regular banks too?) and can even turn into a fancy tree, 30 meters high and all. His flowers can replace cocoa, but you’d better stick to the chocolate: the Pachira juice, like certain bonds, is moderately toxic.
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